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Consultations on children's sleep

With our help you can solve problems such as:


  • Frequent night awakenings

  • Getting up early

  • Short nap

  • Violated regime

  • Difficult and prolonged falling asleep

  • Night awakenings

  • Self-sleep training

  • Move to a separate bed or room

We work only with soft methods to minimize crying, we respect your family philosophy and we approach each child individually. 


Here you will find useful information related to Montessori philosophy. Keep track of useful  materials related to:  

  • Montessori principles  

  • Montessori Activities

  • Montessori Furniture

  • Montessori at home


Help your child reach his or her potential. 



A team of professionals

We are a team and that gives us more perspectives when we work with you. Together we will find the best strategy to deal with the problem. 

Soft methods

We work only with soft methods to minimize crying as much as possible. 

Accurate and clear guidelines

Custom plan with detailed steps. We will prepare you how to act and what to expect as reactions at each stage.

Constant contact

You can count on regular contact with us. We will support you throughout the period of work together.


Sleeping Baby


I am very pleased with Sabina's work. Thanks to her advice and guidance, our child started sleeping at night. Something that seemed impossible to me until now. Following the advice of Sabina and sharing with her our daily development, in about a month we managed to strengthen the new regime and wean the child from the habits that prevented him from sleeping at night.  I would definitely recommend Sabina to all parents who need and want their children to sleep peacefully.


I started using the proposed methods and the child quickly got used to the new regime. He falls asleep for 20 minutes, is calm all the time and sleeps in his own bed. This regime quickly became a routine for the whole family.  Communication with Maria is very easy and stimulating. Thanks to her we reached the expected result. I would recommend her as a consultant to our acquaintances / friends with problems. If there is a problem in our family, I will choose her again.


Throughout our period of working together, our counselor was close to us, every day, as we went through quite difficult moments together and managed to deal with a very stubborn child. He was available and answered all our questions. He took the initiative to check on us how we were doing during the day, how the night went, and he always gave us advice for the next sleep. Our work together was extremely pleasant and very friendly :) .



Ние сме Сабина, Мария и Галя. Заедно създадохме BabyHub - място за хора, които вярват, че децата заслужават най-доброто в тяхното израстване и развитие. Нашият екип се състои от двама сертифицирани консултанти по Детски сън 0-4 години - Мария и Сабина, членове на Асоциацията на консултантите по детски сън в България и Галя, сертифициран Монтесори асистент 3-6 години. Вярваме, че всяко дете трябва да има пълноценен, непробуден сън, за да расте здраво и усмихнато, а ние като родители трябва да се погрижим да му създадем подходяща среда и възможности за разгръщане на своя потенциал максимално. Ние сме екип и това ни дава повече гледни точки и опит, така че да намерим най-доброто, балансирано  и бързо решение на проблемите, с които се сблъсквате. 

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